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Training Has Practical Implication


Training Has Practical Implication


On 27th March in the Demikhovo Engineering Works (DMZ) classroom took place a training ‘Changes Management’ within a comprehensive program developed by TMH Institute Internal Coaches. Team leaders, foremen, and the business coach team staffed with the DMZ specialists joined in this training.

Let us note, traditionally it was paid not enough attention to the foremen’ and team leaders’ management skills development. Meanwhile, concerning this category of co-workers, it is difficult to overestimate the skills to manage personnel competently, especially in circumstances of changes because they have a direct contact with the  shop floor workers, whose labour motivation and consequently labour efficiency depends on the way how foremen and team leaders manage the personnel.

Olga Norkina, the Manager of Lean Production Department,  Olga Okhapkina, the Manager of Labour and Remuneration Management Department, and Natalia Agapova, Manager of Ensure Safe Production Department, with the support of the consulting centre ‘Lidery Izmeneniy’ (MGR Igor Kluev) conducted  the training focused on the management skills development of the specialists and middle managers.

During the training the foremen and team leaders were taught to involve the co-workers of all levels into changes, to convey information to the subordinates clearly so that they do not deny the changes but rather help to accomplish a new activities plan that contributes to the manufacturing efficiency gains.

The training had not only a tutorial function; its program was based on a quite concrete issue existing at DMZ: a wire bonding of low quality. The objective of the training program was to find a resolution of this issue. ‘During the training we have found out some key reasons for the wire bonding of low quality,’ said Olga Norkina. ‘We have developed a plan of measures for the elimination of defects and, moreover, we have created a working group (this group consists of a technologist, designer and foreman), whose task is to accomplish this plan.’

At the end of the training the foremen and team leaders received participant certificates.

It os only a first wave of TMH trainings at Demikhovo Engineering Works but the coaches have already got a feedback. The analysis of the participants’ check lists has shown that most of them find these trainings very useful and relevant. Such kind of sessions will be carried out monthly.

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